BARNACAS II, Francisco Alegre [Webdoc 3.0]

The Interactive documentary: «Barnacas II, Francisco Alegre», is a tool where you can navigate and explore,  the historical memory from the second generation of slum dwellers in a Pre-Olympic Barcelona.

The architecture and construction of the Interactive documentary have been done with KLYNT. Additionally, an extension and personalization of the interactive web were carried out, with code writing through an IT programming service and graphic design.
Exploration plan Interactive web documentary: The whole Interactive tour takes about 1h.

The home page contains The Intro page, which places us and puts us the first reflection about the pre-Olympic Barcelona.

Basically, there are two main routes to visit and submerge in the slum soil area, plus a third participatory tour where the user, through a name and keyword, can access and be part of the “barraquista community”. Principal Routes:

See also the next post: «FRANCISCO  ALEGRE,  Childhood is the homeland»

Francisco Alegre, A Transmedia Project


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